Thursday, November 7, 2019

Rotation 11: Mortis


Liv maxed out her gardening skill this rotation, meaning that the only goal she has left to complete is the 'evolve 10 excellent plants one', and holy fuck is that taking forever to complete. I'm not even sure that she's going to be able to finish it before she ages up into an elder!

I can't remember if I've already mentioned this in a previous update, but she has already topped her florist career, and I think she's also maxed out the flower arranging skill at this point.

Kunal's grades are still pretty low from that week-long vacation he took as a kid, so I've been trying to do his homework more often, and have Zoe help with some of it.

I'm not sure if I'll send him to university yet (or if his grades will even matter for that) but it's always good to be prepared!

The Spice festival was on during the beginning of the rotation, so I had Kunal attempt the curry challenge a few times to start building up his spice tolerance. He did not succeed, and neither did Will, by the looks of it.

He's also been working on some of his scouting badges, and is nearly done the angling ace aspiration.

I didn't really have any exciting plans for their rotation, so I decided to send them on a short trip to Selvadorada.

I bought Jungle Adventures shortly after Island Living, because I thought those two packs might go well together, and I was a little surprised by how much I've enjoyed playing it so far? It was one of the packs I'd been putting off because I wasn't super interested in it, but I'm glad I picked it up.

I started the vacation off by having Zoe and Liv sample some of the new local food, because I was hoping they'd pick up some new vegetarian recipes to cook back home, but it was too hot for either of them to finish their plate.

The game hinted that I should work on the new culture skill to better withstand the heat (even though I'm pretty sure these two both have the 'spice hound' trait from sampling all the City Living food...), so I had Zoe chat up some of the locals.

Liv, on the other hand, picked up some of the new decorative souvenir items from one of the vendor carts. I didn't bother going for any of the jungle supplies, because I wasn't planning on doing any exploration just yet.

Zoe zoomed through the Selvadora culture skill very quickly, so she was able to learn the new RumbaSim dance in no time.

Having actually played with JA now, I can see why people are disappointed that IL didn't come with any sort of cultural skill, or special dance. I really liked having sims be able to learn the different greetings and dance moves in TS2's BV, and it would have been nice to be able to 'collect' them in 4.

(On that note, it would have also been really nice if OR had come with its own greeting or dance.)

Moving on, Liv brought her yoga mat with her to the vacation house, so she took a few hours to work on her wellness skill.

Kunal, on the other hand, spent his afternoon fishing, and caught one of the new native fish. Another nice upside to finally owning JA is that I finally have all of the collections available in full!

They spend their last night on vacation getting some drinks from the food stand, one which they will apparently be able to brew in the tea maker at home. I never actually checked, so I'll have to see if the option is there next rotation.

Back at home, it's time for the second Harvestfest celebration of the rotation.

Switching up the holiday schedule so that I only have to play them two or three times a rotation has definitely helped; it's much more enjoyable just getting the main families together for a nice party than having every household have their own smaller celebration.

The rest of the Mortis-Rudolf clan is invited, and Cole seems to have brought his guitar, while Felix has brought his own dinner.

I did remember that both Cole and Kunal were vegetarian, so I had Liv make a tofurkey for the whole family.

Cole initially decided that he would rather play his guitar than come for dinner (Cole come on man, I made this very bland looking tofurkey just for you!) but he did come inside to grab a plate eventually.

After dinner, the adults sat down in the living room to chat for a little bit, and Liv shared some of her vacation photos with Cole.

Camille, meanwhile, cried over the mounted treefish in Kunal's room upstairs (oops), while Kunal did... something. I honestly can't remember where he was or what he was doing after dinner, but my best guess is that he was outside in the garden.

The Rudolfs left after a few hours, and Cole forgot his guitar outside, much to my annoyance. I actually had to hop over to his family and send him back over to pick it up, because I wasn't able to move it off the sidewalk otherwise.

It only took one rotation for one of them to attempt to grab a very tempting slice of cowplant cake, but surprisingly it was Liv, not Zoe, who took the bait.

Luckily, it appears sims are immune to being eaten by a cowplant the first time it happens (but will die the second time, I think?) I wasn't too concerned anyways, because they've got more than enough death flowers to ward off the Grim Reaper.

And yes, Zoe did also attempt to eat the cake. Unsurprisingly.

All these attempts to eat the cake did give Liv the opportunity to milk the cowplant, at least.

Camille came over to hang out on the last day of their rotation, and I thought it would be nice for the four of them to have a little lunch together.

As it turns out, Kunal developed a picky eating phase in the last half of this rotation, and was disgusted by the noodles I have Zoe serve. 

Kunal, my dude, you can not decide to eat vegetarian and then get mad about being served vegetarian food. This is what I get for actually remembering that he's a vegetarian and trying to serve him an appropriate dish!

Once Camille left I decided to continue the family bonding by purchasing one of the school projects from the catalog, and having Zoe and Kunal built it together to give them something to do, as well as give Kunal's grades another boost.

Liv joined in on the fun part way through, and it was cute seeing them all clap over their hard work when they finished building. :)

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