Day Five:
Day 5 kicks off with another set of solo dates, this time in the date room, rather than the hot tub.
I directed Regan to do one flirty option while seated (whisper sweet nothings, or look deeply into eyes, depending on which was available), and then had her go in for a kiss.
Barbara rejected both, and after checking her relationship score, I realized she must have caught Geoffery flirting with Regan on day 4.
Jermaine and Geoffery happily accepted both the kiss and the flirting, and that gave them very close relationship scores. Geoffery still had the lead in friendship, but that could change very easily, depending on what they all decided to do during their free time in the remaining days.
Barbara was very upset when the solo dates finished, and left to go cry it out her in bed.
Once again, she's really having a rough time this challenge. Even Sadie, who got caught in the same situation, didn't bother shedding any tears over it.
Since it appeared to be down to our last two gents, I decided to forgo any more dates for the day, and just give them some free time.
Barbara really didn't have a chance of bringing her score up, so giving Jermaine and Geoffery the chance to monopolize Regan's time seemed like the best strategy.
They both kind of ignored her at lunch, and it was Barbara who actually sat down to have a chat with her. I really liked Barbara, and I wish that this could have helped, but the jealousy really did in her score.
I'd like to interrupt Barbara's tale of woe to say that the neighbourhoods in this game really are gorgeous, even if they're just 'set dressing'.
I'm used to being limited to just the home lot in the second game, so having the open neighbourhood plus a more fleshed out looking world is really nice here.
(I know I'm in the minority here, though, because I see a lot of people on the sims subreddit talking about how they miss the open world.)
Regan spends most of the free time before bed and their next meal by herself. Come on, guys.
Once again, Jermaine ignores the free seating, and Geoffery has another solo breakfast with Regan.
There's no flriting this time, which is probably for the best, because it'd be pretty anti-climatic if Jermaine caught them, and also lost his chance.
Jermaine, Barbara, and Geoffery enjoy one last game of Don't Wake the Llama together, before Barbara is unceremoniously eliminated.
As you can see, Geoffery had the higher friendship score still, but when I looked at the scores on a different menu, it looked like Jermaine might actually have the higher romantic score. It was a super close race at this point, and I would not have guessed that Jermaine would make it from an elimination challenge, to top two!
Day Six:
Since day 5 was pretty short with just 3 contestants, I thought I'd include some of day 6 here, as I did one final day with the winning contestant to see if I could get a successful proposal.
Regan sat down with our gents to play some more Don't Wake the Llama, however Jermaine decided to get up and leave. Geoffery got up too, and since they'd both gotten up to use the bathroom, I redirected them to sit down for another game.
Jermaine then got up a second time, so I let him wander off to do his own thing.
I let Regan and Geoffery interact until one of them got sleepy, and then I sent everyone off for mandatory bedtime.
With only two contestants left now, they both got a chance to socialize with Regan that morning.
After breakfast, Regan and Geoffery sat down to watch some television. Apparently the cooking channel was on for the entire week, so everyone gained a lot of cooking skill (and no fires were started!)

Meanwhile, Regan and Geoffery continued to sit and chat...
...and in case you can't make out the background in the other picture, yes, that is Jermaine getting into the other hot tub.
Jermaine, buddy. This is not how you win a bachelor challenge.
Jermaine took his sweet-ass time, but he did make it to the living room eventually.
He managed to socialize with Regan for a little bit...
But Geoffery swooped in with some romantic socials!
I'm sure you can guess who ended up with the higher score, but I'm going to cover that in the final part, for dramatic effect.
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