Day Two:
What I didn't anticipate was that in 4, all 7 of the sims would be able to fit in the hot tub. I was kind of hoping they'd have to race each other to get into the same hot tub as Regan, because that's half the challenge for them in 2.

Sadie, Joyce, and Jermaine all had about the same level of relationship, and Glen, who got out of the hot tub almost immediately, was left at the back of the pack.
I decided that unless a sim got out to fulfill a need, I would not direct them to get back in once everyone was seated. (For some reason sims really hate staying in the hot tub in this game, so there was always a bit of musical hot tub while I attempted to get everyone in and stay there for at least five minutes.)
I found the easiest way to ensure they stayed was to make sure there weren't any dirty plates left out, because they would get out to clean them up every time.
Jermaine fell asleep during the date, and Geoffery got out a one point to get himself a drink. I thought he was a lost cause, until he proceeded to return with his drink in hand, and slide into the spot right next to Regan.
I had high hopes for Geoffery at this point.
Glen, the only other sim to leave the hot tub, decided to work out instead, until he got exhausted and had to stop.
Regan got out to prepare some lunch, and Glen plopped himself down at the counter to chat with her while she cooked.
Maybe he's not a lost cause just yet.
Front-runner Geoffery nabbed the other seat at the island counter, and the two of them got one free social interaction with Regan.
After their meal it was mandatory (early) bed time.
I followed the same schedule for their day 2 one-on-one dates, which was to wake the contestants up one by one, and send them off to the date room with Regan.
Today's interactions were one flirt, followed by a pick-up line.
Regan's first flirt went over well with Jermaine, but he shut her pick up line down. Regan was embarrassed, but I had her press on because there was no time for her to sulk in bed; she had five more one-on-one dates to get through before their second activity.
Geoffery and Glen accepted both of her flirts, so it looks like their lunch time advantage paid off.
Sidenote, I only realized just now that I've spelled 'Geoffery' wrong, and that the r normally goes before the e. Oops.
Sadie, Joyce, and Barbara also rejected one of Regan's flirts, so Jermaine lucked out. Unfortunately for me, this made it a lot harder to determine who was going to be eliminated, because their scores were all pretty close.
Barbara still had a little bit of a lead from her first day, so it looked like it was going to come down to Jermaine, Sadie, or Joyce for that day's elimination.
They had a group meal together in the dining room, and then I began their second activity of the day: one-on-one chess sessions, for 30 in-game minutes each. There was just enough time to squeeze them all in before noon.
For the most part they were all pretty good at taking their turn, however Sadie did return during Jermaine's session to chat with Regan a little more.
I didn't have any reason to send her away, so I allowed her to stay. The other contestants were more easily kept out of the way by having them take care of showering/using the bathroom.
At noon I discovered that Jermaine and Joyce had the lowest bars, and since 4 doesn't have numbered relationship scores like 2, I decided to have Regan flirt with them one more time to see if either of them would accept it.
Joyce turned Regan down, while Jermaine accepted, which got her eliminated.
She was the front-runner in my test run of this challenge, so it was a bit of a surprise to see her leave so early this time. Allen was out pretty quickly in both my playthroughs.
Hang in there, Jermaine! I believe in you!